E-Learning: Principle of iiQKA safety configuration

With a my.KUKA account you have access to free eLearnings in the KUKA College LearnerPortal.
For immediate access, all you need is a business e-mail address with which you can register with my.KUKA.

Target Group
This e-learning is particularly recommended for KUKA robot operators and commissioning engineers.
In this e-learning you will get to know the iiQKA user interface and get a first insight into the system software "iiQKA V1.0".
Safety and legal information:
  • Overview rules, standards and guidelines
Configuration Change:
  • Become familiar with the responsibilities for security configuration change.
The History:
  • Introduction to the connection of the safe components and the requirements for a example application
The safety concept:
  • Insight into the safety functions and how they are monitored, as well as the resulting responses from the controller
  • Getting to know the collaboration between safety rule and safety function
  • Insight into the safety rule and its safety reactions
  • Overview of the overview, view and safety
Security ID and report
  • Explanation of the security-ID and its use(purpose).
  • Explanation of the security report after a successful security configuration
There is no certificate issued.
Duration 15 minutes
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